Bomarea hirtella


B. hirtella is native to Mexico and is one of the easiest to grow with dense clusters of large flowers, the outer petals being dusky pink, the inner ones a beautiful chartreuse.  Shipped in pots.

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Bomareas are tuberous-rooted twining climbers found from Mexico on south through the tropics and into the Andes as far as Patagonia.  There are approximately 100 species.  They are plants of the
forest understorey, where they twine through adjacent vegetation, benefiting from the light shade.  The lovely flowers clearly demonstrate their close relationship to Alstroemerias, and are producedin dense trusses at the ends of the growing shoots.  Under greenhouse conditions, or in mild winter regions, these are easy plants to grow, and will reward you with profuse flowering over a long season.  All Bomareas are shipped in pots, since it is best that their roots not be disturbed.
Zones 8-10.

Bomarea superba.
Huge trusses of beautiful deep yellow trumpets. NOT FOR EXPORT

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